Major Conferences Organized by The Center
The Center and its programs plan and execute seven statewide events for Illinois educators and, in some instances, broader audiences. All Center conferences feature high-profile experts and/or nationally known speakers, and are conducted in high-quality venues that emphasize the professionalism of educators and other attendees.
Multilingual Illinois in collaboration with ESSA Statewide Conference
A major event of the year for administrators and teachers of English-language learners, this annual statewide conference features nationally recognized speakers, expert panels and a broad range of concurrent panels on a vast range of topics related to English language learning. Because of its size, breadth and depth of content and high-profile presenters, this conference is considered among the very best nationally for teachers of students with limited English proficiency.
Job Fair
Illinois Bilingual/ESL Education Job Fair
To help match bilingual and ESL educators with jobs, each year The Center organizes an education job fair. Hundreds of teachers meets with representatives of schools districts across Illinois to discuss bilingual education approaches and available positions.
Bilingual Parent Summit
Bilingual Parent Summit
The Annual Statewide Summit for Bilingual Parents provides a rich mix of information about issues of critical importance to parents from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. Top speakers are joined by experts and panels on such topics as pathways to academic success, enhanced parental participation in schools, immigration issues, U.S. citizenship, bilingual education programs, community college services, effective parenting techniques, health care alternatives, and much more.